Worships of Longing
The following six worships were written for the 2022 summer camp season at Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp in collaboration with the summer staff. Each evening has a separate theme based on a Bible reading. These themes and readings were predetermined by the camp programming committee, which included pastors and youth leaders from the Sky Ranch community, as well as current board members and program directors for Sky Ranch. The overall theme for the summer focused on "longing".
The worships generally follow the traditional style of Lutheran liturgy. The words of worship have various sources: some are original works written by Karsen, some are traditional words from Lutheran worship, and some are from other authors. If a prayer or other element of the worship was written by or adapted from words written by a specific author, the author's name is noted next to the section of worship.
The versions below were written for worship leaders, and therefore include more instructions than typical orders of worship. These instructions have been included to give a fuller picture of what these worships look like in practice and to explain elements of worship which some readers may be less familiar with.
Sunday: Longing To Be Invited
Gathering Song: Come All You People (#17)
Invite the congregation to stand. Teach the first verse in English and the verse in Swahili. The rest follow the same tune.
Land Acknowledgement
L: We would like to acknowledge that we are gathered on the traditional lands of the Arapaho, Ute, Cheyenne, and Eastern Shoshone Peoples, and that these tribes have stewarded this land for generations. As we celebrate the gift of invitation tonight, let us remember that we were not invited to this land. This land was stolen, promises were broken, and those who lived here were forcefully removed by our government. Today, these tribes still suffer the consequences of past and current violence, but they also continue to demonstrate gifts and talents worth celebrating. We pay our respects to elders past and present, and hope this acknowledgement may be one small step in our efforts to help mend our relationship with our neighbors.
Opening Prayer (Adapted from prayers by Karen G. Johnston, Erika A. Hewitt, and Marilyn Falowski)
L: Spirit of Life and Love,
All: Our hearts are overflowing with longing for a life of more connection and less loneliness.
L: Some of us are bringing our best selves to this space, and some of us are bringing our struggling selves. Let us know that all of us are welcome here, and all of us are loved.
All: Help us feel that this week, our being together can make each of us braver, kinder, and wiser than when we left our homes this morning.
L: God, we come here from different places, with different backgrounds, for different reasons—to find community, to question, to nurture our hearts and souls, to explore new ideas, to find comfort. We know you invite us to be your people, no matter our differences.
All: Help us receive the invitation to find love here, and help us to invite each other to do the same. Amen.
Song: The Church Song (#16)
Invite the congregation to stand. Teach the chorus and the first verse. Verses follow the same tune as the first.
Reading: John 1: 35-42
Message: Year-round staff
Song: Hamba Nathi (#42)
Invite the congregation to stand. Teach the whole song in Swahili. Then tell campers it’s Swahili for “Come walk with us, the journey is long… The journey, the journey, the journey is long.” Teach the step that goes with it. Sing through both Swahili and English together.
Sharing of the Peace (Adapted from words by Amanda Schuber)
Invite the congregation to stand. Instruct campers that after the leader says each prompt, turn to someone around you and say the response to them.
L: If this is your first time here or your one-hundred-and-first time,
All: We are glad that you are here.
L: If you carry the weight of a weary world on your shoulders, or you entered through the doors with a song in your heart and a skip in your step,
All: We are glad that you are here.
L: If you are the loudest voice in the town square or the subtle hand behind the scenes,
All: We are glad that you are here.
L: If you sing like angels, or mumble behind the songbook,
All: We are glad that you are here.
L: This community is what it is because of your presence. So welcome. Welcome into this space of love, support, justice, compassion, fellowship and worship.
All: We are glad that you are here.
Song: Go! (#37)
Invite the congregation to stand. Teach the entire song.
Benediction & Sending
L: May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord’s face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace.

All: Amen.
L: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
All: Thanks be to God! And we will!
Welcome & Staff Introductions
A director (or leadership staff) welcomes our guests to camp for the week, hopes their drive/travel was good, and says we’re excited to be with them for the week. Staff each introduce themselves with their names & pronouns, where they’re from, where they go to school (if applicable), and what their position is this week.
Monday: Longing for Community
Opening Song: Servant Song (#99)
Teach first verse; all others follow the same tune.
Opening Prayer (Adapted from Lyn Cox)
L: Spirit of Life who draws us together in a web of holy relationships,

All: Remind us that we are not alone in our times of grief and pain, or in our times of joy and wonder.

L: Divine music of the universe, let our hearts beat in diverse and harmonious rhythms, cooperating with an everlasting dance of love.

All: May we move with the rhythms of peace, compassion, and justice. Open our hearts to all of our neighbors. Open our hands to join together in the work ahead. Amen.

Affirmation of Baptism
Instruct cabins to approach the bowls laid around the worship space as we begin the next song. Campers may affirm each other in pairs or with their counselor by marking the sign of the cross on each other’s foreheads with water and saying, “You are a beloved member of God’s community.” A staff member should stand nearby to affirm guests who are not part of a group.
Song: As I Went Down To The River (#7)
No need to teach. Direct campers to song books and let them join in as they’re comfortable. Shout out verses as we sing. Continue until all cabins have finished affirmations.
Reading: Acts 2: 41-47
Passing of the Peace: Salaam Alaikum (#94)
Invite the congregation to stand. Teach call and response. Then teach the first half of the chorus (the chorus repeats before going back to call and response). In Arabic, Salaam Alaikum roughly translates to “Peace be with you”.

Closing Prayer
L: Loving God, help us to see that we cannot separate our well-being from the well-being of our neighbor. Our sorrows are shared. Our longings are shared. Our fears are shared. Enable us also to share compassion, patience, and courage today and always. Help us as we seek to be Your church, to build communities of radical welcome and love throughout the world.
Song: The Church Song (#16)
No need to teach. This was sung yesterday.

Benediction & Sending
L1: May the God who is community, be with us as we seek to be a community.
All: May God bless our dreams and may God shatter our dreams.
L2: May God help us to be real and to find depth in weakness and brokenness.
All: May God help us to face and grow through conflict rather than pretend by being nice.
L1: May we look at each other through soft eyes and truly respect each other as human beings.
All: May God help us let go of control and the need to fix one another.
L2: May God help us discover we are needy in our own souls and give attention to our own hearts.
All: May God grant us the gift of an extraordinary love that flows from the heart of God and that covers a multitude of wrongs. Amen.
L1: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

All: Thanks be to God! And we will!

Tuesday: Longing for Understanding
Gathering Song: Father, I Adore You (#30)
An option to begin singing as campers enter the worship space and continue until they are settled. No need to teach in this case.
Confession & Forgiveness
L: God of all creation, you have formed us in body, mind, and spirit.
All: You have made us to care for your world, to love one another.
L: You have called us together for worship and send us out in peace.
All: But peace is often hard to see, hard to feel, hard to do.
L: We are filled with unrest, with distrust, with sin.
All: Like Jonah, we are quick to judge and have felt that we are more deserving of your grace than others.
L: But You remain steadfast in your love for all the world, no matter our judgements or grudges.
All: You give yourself in the life of Jesus Christ. 
L: You shed light on the way of peace.
All: Lord God, let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts. Make us members of the one body, calling us to peace. Forgive our sins and help us to forgive others.
L: Remember that we are forgiven by God, even when we build walls, shut out our neighbors, and fall short of God’s glory. Even in our uncertainties, when we do not understand God, we are loved. We have been graced by God to be a diverse people, with diverse language and culture, to engage with the global church, and raise our voices together praising the life given to all of us in the name of Jesus Christ.
Song: Here I Am, Lord (option to choose verses) (#44)
Teach the refrain. May also teach the first verse if no other verses will be sung.
Reading: Jonah 4
Thomas Mass Stations
Tell campers we will now transition into Thomas Mass, a time for quiet, individual reflection. There will be several prayer stations available to move through as they feel called. Explain what to do at each station. Campers may do all of them, or they may do none of them. Tell them that when the leaders begin to sing “All Who Are Thirsty”, they should finish their station and make their way back to their seats.
Give campers roughly 7-15 minutes to move through stations before moving on. Smaller groups will need less time; larger groups will need more time. Leaders may also transition out of Thomas Mass earlier if campers start to lose focus.

Station Options: Prayer Cross, Prayers of the People, Affirmation of Baptism, Prayer Rocks, Knot Prayer, Hand/Foot Washing, Blessings, etc. or freedom to create your own.
Song: All Who Are Thirsty (#2)
No need to announce or teach the song—just begin when Thomas Mass ends and campers will join in as they are comfortable.
Statement of Faith: Apostle’s Creed (#129 in song book if needed)
Prayers of the People: Lord, Listen to Your Children Praying (#73)
Teaching the song is optional. The song will be repeated enough that campers may join in as they feel comfortable, but it’s short enough to quickly teach.
Sing the song through once and then say one iteration of a prayer while guitars play in the background. For instance, pray for friends and family back home. Then repeat until all prayers have been said.
Use prayers written by campers during Thomas Mass. Do not include details—make general statements based on things campers have written. Feel free to add other prayers based on current events or other general statements that haven’t been written down. For instance, pray for peace, for the poor, for the environment, etc.

Closing Prayer: (Adapted from words by Sue Ayer)
L: Spirit of life and love, we have gathered here in search of answers to hard questions. We have come in search of understanding, in search of community. We have come in search of hope and healing. Lead us out of here continuously searching for and discovering Your truth. Lead us out of here continuously learning, and guide us to Your wisdom. Lead us out of here seeking connection. And lead us out of here so that healing fosters giving and hope fosters service. This is our prayer: that we may create here a circle of love, ever expanding, ever growing, as we seek to know you, the source of our being.
Song: Light the Fire (#71)
If not sung earlier in the week, teach first verse and chorus.
Benediction & Sending
L: May God give you…
For every storm, a rainbow,
For every tear, a smile,
For every care, a promise,
And a blessing in each trial.
For every problem life sends,
A faithful friend to share
For every sigh, a sweet song,
And an answer for each prayer.
L: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!

All: Thanks be to God, and we will!

Wednesday: Longing for Renewal
Gathering Song: I’ve Been Redeemed (#61)
Invite the congregation to stand. If not sung earlier in the week, teach the chorus.
Opening Prayer
L: Creator God, your love calls us to be your people. By sharing our many and diverse gifts, we share in your mission. We ask you, Lord, to shape us into a community of faith. Nourish us so that we may grow into the image of Jesus. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, heal us so that we, in turn, may heal the wounded. Form us to be instruments of love, justice, and peace, and send us to proclaim your saving work. Renew us so that we may renew the face of the earth. Amen.
Confession & Forgiveness
Freedom to choose whichever style the leaders prefer.
Remember that once campers have confessed, the leader should say something along the lines of, “Through Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven.”
Song: Create In Me (#22)
Teach the entire song.
Reading: Isaiah 40: 1-5, 28-31 AND/OR Luke 5: 12-16
Prayer Stations
Use the sand boxes and tea candles from the Prayer Cross to create small prayer stations throughout the worship space. Each station can prompt campers to pray for renewal of different things: renewal of faith, renewal for the earth, renewal for relationships, etc. Explain each of these stations. Tell campers they may go to as many stations as they’d like, light a candle to hold while they pray, and leave it in the sand box when they’re done. Let them know that when we begin singing “Grace Like Rain”, they should finish the station they’re at and return to their seats.
Song: Grace Like Rain (#40)
No need to teach. Allow campers to join in as they feel comfortable.
Passing of the Peace
Invite campers and guests to stand and share a sign of the peace with their neighbors in whichever way is most comfortable for them.
Closing Prayer
No formal prayer written. A staff member may pray for whatever is on the hearts and minds of the community.
Song: Canticle of the Turning (option to choose verses) (#15)
Invite the congregation to stand. Teach the refrain.
Benediction & Sending (Adapted from words by Charles A. Howe)   
L: May God send us out from this place thankful for the love that sustains and renews us. May we go forth open to the grace of God that surrounds and surprises us. May we leave filled with God’s peace that strengthens and guides us. Amen.
L: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
All: Thanks be to God! And we will!
Thursday: Longing for Justice
Gathering Song: History Maker (#46)
Invite the congregation to stand. No need to teach; this was sung on Monday.
Land Acknowledgement
L: We would like to begin tonight’s worship by acknowledging that we are gathered on the traditional lands of the Arapaho, Ute, Cheyenne, and Eastern Shoshone Peoples. This land was stolen from them and the people forcefully removed. For generations, there has been no justice for these people. Today, these tribes still suffer the injustices brought on by past and current colonialism: wealth inequality, unemployment, increased violence, lack of access to education, food, water, adequate shelter, and more. But they also continue to demonstrate gifts and talents that should be celebrated, including art, music, and care for our environment. We pay our respects to elders past and present, and hope this acknowledgement may remind us of those who walked the paths on this land before us and that it may inspire us all to stand in solidarity with Indigenous peoples around the world as they work for justice for their nations.
Confession & Forgiveness (Adapted from words by Traycee Potter and Andrea Hawkins-Kamper)
L1: O God, we have fallen short of all that has been required of us. You looked at your beloved creation and said “it is good”
All: but we have looked at that same creation and rejected its beauty and goodness.
L2: We have ignored the cries of others as they seek justice from the oppressor
All: and we told them to wait a little while longer, to speak a little quieter, to silence their righteous anger for our own comfort.
L3: We have not fed the hungry, given drink to the thirsty, aided the prisoner, or sheltered the stranger
All: because of how they looked or the “inconvenience” of their need.
L1: But today is a new day full of opportunities to try again.
All: What was left undone yesterday can be completed today. We can turn from the sins of neglect and dishonesty, and prayerfully move towards reconciliation and mutual respect.
L2: Through God’s unending grace, we have been forgiven and blessed.
L3: Blessed are we who gather with open hearts, together, in this space, today.
L1: Blessed are we: the bearers of resistance, justice, love, and faith.
L2: Blessed are we: the hand-extenders, the sign-makers, the protestors, the protectors.
L3: Blessed are we: the friend, the stranger, the lonely, the hidden, the visible, the authentic.
L1: Blessed are we for this is our Beloved Community, and this is who we are.
Song: Servant Song (#99)
No need to teach; this was sung on Monday.
Reading: Luke 10: 25-37
Hand out multicolored strips of fabric and permanent markers as a leader begins giving instructions. On the cloth, instruct campers to write the ways that they’ll serve others and do justice back down the mountain. Send baskets/bowls around after a few moments to gather the fabric strips. Then, place the baskets/bowls on the altar as a symbol of our offering to God. On Friday, these strips can be tied together and strung across the altar or cross as a reminder of the work that this community intends to do back home. Throughout the summer, the chain will continue to grow.
While the campers write and the strips are gathered, continue to the next song. Repeat the song until all the fabric has been gathered at the front.
Song: Here I Am, Lord (#44)
No need to teach. Tell campers the song number and allow them to join in as they feel comfortable. Sing/repeat as many verses as necessary to give everyone adequate time to write on their fabric.
Communion: Grace Like Rain (#40) and One Bread, One Body (#80) (if necessary)
Perform communion only if a pastor is available. No need to teach songs—tell campers the song numbers and invite them to join as they feel comfortable.
Song: Canticle of the Turning (#15)
Invite the congregation to stand. Re-teach the chorus for middle school campers who weren’t at worship last night.
L: When we say go in peace,
All: We don’t mean “go out completely unaware.” 
L: When we say go in peace,
All: We don’t mean “go without challenging yourself or others.” 
L: When we say go in peace,

All: We don’t mean “go back to what makes us comfortable.” 
L: When we say go in peace,
All: We mean “go in peace, seeking justice.” 
We mean, “go in peace, committed to all.” 
L: When we say, go in peace,
All: We mean “Go in the peace that is created when, together, 
We build communities of true solidarity, deep compassion, and fierce, radical love.” Amen.

Song: Go! (#37)
Invite the congregation to stand. No need to teach; this was sung on Sunday.
L: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God! And we will!
Friday: Longing to Connect
Gathering Song: Come All You People (#17)
Invite the congregation to stand. No need to teach.
Opening Prayer
No formal prayer written. A staff member is free to pray for whatever is on the hearts and minds of the community.
Song: The Church Song (#16)
Invite the congregation to stand. No need to teach.
Reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-27
Passing of the Peace: Hamba Nathi (#42)
No need to teach.
Offering: Isaiah 55 (Staff Only)
Before the staff are invited up to sing, a year-round or leadership staff should explain that this year, our monetary offering will be going to a local organization called Annie and Millie’s Place to help keep unhoused people together with their pets, as many homeless shelters don’t allow pets. Pass around hats to collect the offering while the staff sing.
Communion: All Who Are Thirsty (#2) and One Bread, One Body (#80) (if necessary)
Perform communion only if a pastor is available. No need to teach songs—tell campers which numbers they are and invite them to sing along as they are comfortable.
Closing Prayer (Adapted from words by Richard Bott)
L: Loving God, you have created us to be one body of Christ, but sometimes it is difficult to be one body.
All: We are longing to connect and re-connect with each other, but we have been apart so long it feels like we have forgotten how.
L: When we aren’t sure, help us be calm. When fear makes it hard to breathe, slow us down.
All: Help us to reach out with our hearts, when we can’t touch with our hands; help us to be connected, when we have to be distant; help us to love as perfectly as we can, knowing that ”perfect love casts out all fear.”
L: As we prepare to go from this place, help us to be inviting, to be understanding, and to seek justice. Help us to connect with others and build loving communities.
All: May we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked and house those without homes. Help us, O God, so that we might help each other. Amen.
Song: Go! (#37)
Invite the congregation to stand. No need to teach.
Benediction & Sending         
L: May the peace of the Lord go with you, wherever He may send you.
May She guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm.
May He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you.
May She bring you home rejoicing, once again into our doors.

L: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!
All: Thanks be to God! And we will!

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